Livecode Wiki

Reports the amount of disk space taken by an object(glossary).Syntax:

get the size of <object>


if the size of image myImage > 20000 then beep

Use the size property to judge how much memory an object(glossary) takes when displayed.

The size of an image, EPS object, audio clip, or [[video clip]] is is the number of bytes of disk space that the object(glossary) takes up.

The size property of a stack is always 10000. For stacks, this property is included in LiveCode for compatibility with imported HyperCard stacks and does not report a meaningful value.

The size of an image that has a filename is always empty. To get the true size of such an image, either use the detailed files, or check the length of the file url.

See also: files (function),diskSpace (function),stack (object),filename (property),
