Livecode Wiki

Returns a list of messages that have been scheduled with the send command, but not yet delivered.


the pendingMessages


put the pendingMessages
#cancel messages by name
on cancelmessage myMex
 repeat for each line templ in the pendingmessages
  if item 3 of templ is myMex then    
   cancel  item 1 of templ 
  end if
 end repeat
end cancelmessage
#cancel all pending messages
 lock messages
 repeat for each line aLine in the pendingmessages
    cancel item 1 of aLine
 end repeat
 unlock messages

Use the pendingMessages function to check whether a message has been sent yet, or to perform some action on each pending message.

Value: The pendingMessages function returns a list of messages, one per line. Each line consists of four items, separated by commas:

  • the message ID
  • the time the message is scheduled for
  • the message name
  • the long ID property of the object that the message will be sent to

The message ID is the same as the one placed in the result function when it was scheduled with the send command.

The time the message is scheduled for is in the same format as the long seconds form of the seconds function.

Once scheduled, a message cannot be changed. You can cancel a pending message with the cancel command, and re-send it with the send command.

See Also: cancel Command
