Livecode Wiki

A Message sent when the user double-clicks and the mouse button is released. If there is a message handler by the same name in the message path, then it will be executed.



mouseDoubleUp <mouseButtonNumber>

The parameter "mouseButtonNumber" is the mouse button that was pressed - 1 is the mouse button on Mac OS systems and the left button on Windows and Unix systems, 2 is the middle button on Unix systems, 3 is the right button on Windows and Unix systems and Control-click on Mac OS systems.

The doubleClickInterval and doubleClickDelta properties determine what LiveCode accepts as a double click.

The mouseDoubleUp message is sent to the control that was double-clicked, or to the card if no control was under the mouse pointer.

If a tool other than the Browse tool is being used, no mouseDoubleUp message is sent. If an unlocked field is clicked with mouse button 1 or 2, no mouseDoubleUp message is sent.

If the user clicks a transparent pixel in an image, the mouseDoubleUp message is sent to the object behind the image, not to the image.

Message handler[]


on mouseDoubleUp theMouseButton -- show dialog on Control/Right-click
  if theMouseButton is "3" then showConfigDialog
  else pass mouseDoubleUp
end mouseDoubleUp

Use the mouseDoubleUp Message handler to perform an action when the user double-clicks.

See also: mouseDoubleDown, properties, doubleClickDelta & doubleClickInterval.
