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To connect to a database, just use revOpenDatabase function, like this:

 put revOpenDatabase("ODBC","DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=server_name;DATABASE=database_name;UID=username;PWD=password;Trusted_Connection=No",,,) into connID

It's recommended to store the connection ID (it's just an integer) in a custom property.

Then you can retrieve data with the revDataFromQuery function:

put "SELECT * from users ; " into tSQL
put revDataFromQuery(tab,return,connID,tSQL) into tRecords

notice that specifing TAB and return as delimeter, you'll obtain a TABBED grid (text) that you may use directly in table fields.

You can use any SQL command with the revExecuteSQL message:

put "INSERT into users (name,surname) VALUES ('Jack','Sparrow')" into tSQL
revExecuteSQL connID,tSQL

TIPS: the filter command removes empty lines, it can be handy when user may add too many empty lines in a table:

 filter mytext without empty

Remember to close connection with:

revCloseDatabase connID

Working with binaries[]

In order to upload binaries, you need to use the variable in the revExecuteSQL.

The SQLStatement may contain one or more placeholders, which are sequential numbers prepended by a colon. The revExecuteSQL command substitutes the corresponding item in the variablesList for each of these placeholders. For example, if you have two variables called "valueX" and "valueY", you can use a SQLStatement that includes placeholders as follows:

revExecuteSQL myID, "insert into mytable values(:1,:2)", "valueX","valueY"

when using binaries, you have to insert the *b prefix in variable name; so if you variable containing a binary is "valueX", the correct code is:

revExecuteSQL myID, "insert into mytable values(:1)", "*bvalueX"

Since the revExecuteSQL command strips the binary marker "*b" and passes it to the database as binary data, rather than text data.
