Livecode Wiki

Sent when the given url has finished loading.Syntax:

browserFinishedLoading <url>


on browserFinishedLoading pURL
  put "Finished loading:" && pURL into field "Status"
  put pURL into field "URL"
end browserFinishedLoading

Handle the browserFinishedLoading message to perform an action when a URL has finished loading in a native mobile browser control created using mobileControlCreate.

The browserFinishedLoading message is sent to the object containing the script that created the mobile browser control using mobileControlCreate when the URL has finished loading.

The browserFinishedLoading message is sent in response to the webViewDidFinishLoad delegate method.


  • url: The URL that has loaded.

See also: mobileControlSet (command),mobileControlGet (function),mobileControlTarget (function),mobileControls (function),browserStartedLoading (message),browserLoadRequest (message),browserLoadFailed (message),
